Saturday 27 November 2010


So i finally became infertile, Which believe me is GOOD news. I am what is widely known as a "Jaffa". Now this process started about 10 months ago and has taken until now to be resolved, Which to me seems a long time just for chopping someone's bollocks off.

The time i went to see the consultant was a pretty harrowing experience. Now with me being a bit on the dumb side i didnt realise i may get "Examined" so to speak. So i went in there and HE was going through all the things that will happen and how it works etc etc. When all of a sudden he says "Right Mr Savage, Can you just go behind the curtain take down your pants and lie on the bed" I nearly told him to fuck off!! There was a female nurse there too. So i did as i was told, Lying there with my not so proud junk hanging out and he starts having a rummage around .... Well i nearly turned into a one year old again, Those balls were dying to jump back up..

The day of the operation was grim too. You have never seen anything like a hospital ward full of around 12 men waiting to have the snip and not wanting to be one the last to go in. Fuck, Its like waiting to be executed.

Only good thing that happened really at the time is that they put you in jock strap while you are asleep and fill it full of padding...Looks like you had a penis enlargement at the same time. (That would be a nice bonus, And more men would go for it no doubt).

So finally after all the wait i have my results and its clear. I cant make any more babies. Thank the lord and baby jesus for that. Amen.


  1. Jaffa? As in the cake? You now have orange jam inside of you?

  2. Jaffa as in a seedless orange ;)
